Article Database

Detroit Metro Times

Jeffrey Morgan's Media Blackout
(Detroit Metro Times, 2009-06-24)

Unfortunately, Jeffrey Morgan's Media Blackout #221 has the last laugh. Brian "Renfield" Nelson — The King of All VCRs (RIP) :: He may have handed out business cards which read "World's Biggest Alice Cooper Fan" and he may have parlayed that claim into a 29-year career as Alice Cooper's personal assistant...

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Angels and Demons
(Detroit Metro Times, 2021-03-03)

As planned, Alice Cooper looks absolutely insane during a 1973 performance at the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, Texas. He's wearing a thin, tattered, and mostly disgusting white cotton leotard with thigh-high platform leopard print boots, his signature dead clown eye makeup, and something clipped to his bulge, which is unapologetically displayed with no discernable support from the sagging and frayed one-piece. ...

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