Article Database

Ashbury Park Press

Alice Cooper Sees Self as Two Personalities
(Ashbury Park Press, 1974-10-13)

DETROIT (AP) — When Alice Cooper is not on stage beheading dummies and entwining himself with snakes while singing rock songs, he says he likes to "play golf, drink beer and be quiet." Offstage, Alice Cooper is Vincent Furnier, who was born...

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Greatest Hits Review
(Ashbury Park Press, 1974-10-20)

Like most greatest hits, anthologies and best of's, "Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits" lacks the freshness, continuity, and spontaneous drive the original albums presented. The motivation for the album is trite. Keeping in mind that Alice Cooper and friends...

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Ol' Blue Eyes In Black
(Ashbury Park Press, 2000-09-29)

When he leaps onstage, his ice-blue eyes lined in black — with hair, gloves, leather jacket, trousers and boots to match &mdah; Alice Cooper is clearly someone who is not yet ready to rest on his laurels. It's a notion the seminal...

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"I'm the oldest vampire around"
(Ashbury Park Press, 2008-08-23)

With Alice Cooper, you never really know what he'll be doing next. And really, what hasn't he done? The inventor of shock-rock and theater on the rock stage has spawned a generation of rockers from Motley Crue to KISS. Cooper recently finished...

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