Article Database

Age, The

Shock Tactics
(Age, The, 1997-09-07)

Alice Cooper has 25 televisions back home in America and, he says, they're always on. Right now he is staring at yet another, watching Test cricket. "I just wanted to see if it was as boring as everyone says," he says in exactly the kind of laconic drawl...

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Alice Cooper
(Age, The, 2005-00-00)

Alice Cooper continues the 1970s rockers-on-the-wane theme that local promoters have spent much of 2005 working on. Cooper (real name Vincent Furnier) was once a feared and notorious showman of both rock and horror....

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At 61 Alice Cooper can still shock
(Age, The, 2009-05-26)

Veteran shock rocker Alice Cooper's stage schtick includes getting hanged in a straightjacket and decapitated on stage, spraying blood on the head-banging crowd. But the stage persona is worlds away from the 61-year-old clean-living...

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