Article Database

Philadelphia Inquirer

News Report
(Philadelphia Inquirer, 1983-12-26)

A hearing has been set for Friday to determine how much support rock star Alice Cooper should pay his estranged wife while their divorce is pending. Sheryl Cooper, 27, filed for divorce Nov. 15 and is asking $5,000 a month in temporary maintenance and $2,240 a month in temporary child support. She also is requesting temporary custody of the couple's 2-year-old daughter. Cooper, 35, whose real name is Vincent Furnier, married Sheryl in Acapulco, Mexico, on March 20, 1976. She was a former dancer in his bizarre concert shows. She moved out of the couple's posh home in suburban Phoenix, Ariz., on Sept. 30. She listed her monthly expenses as $1,200 for a housekeeper; $1,300 for food and supplies; $1,200 for car repairs, maintenance and gas; $1,000 for entertainment; $400 for clothing for herself and her baby and $400 for beauty-shop bills. ...

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