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Orange County Register

Alice Cooper: Sick thing had a message
(Orange County Register, 2001-03-06)

Partly that's his own fault-no sooner had his macabre clowning reached its pinnacle then it became true clowning, the sort that found him enrapt with his own celebrity and making lousy albums that were one slice away from Andrew Lloyd Webber. He has tried to shift his music back to what it was, but that's moot. It's the golfing Alice Cooper we live with now. The restaurateur Alice Cooper. The spoof-himself-in-commercials Alice Cooper. The Alice Cooper that today's suburban 50-somethings-the very same types Alice intended to tick off 30 years ago-now see pop up on "Behind the Music," then remark, "Ah, he was better when he did `Under My Wheels.'"...

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