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New York Newsday

Alice Cooper's Shock Just Turns to Shtick
(New York Newsday, 1997-07-20)

Maybe You remember Alice Cooper only as the guy who (allegedly) killed chickens and wrote songs about dead babies. One of the main functions of his second live album is to remind us that his work -- which was shocking when it was originally released -- is really funny. Cooper sings on 1973's "Teenage Lament'74": "I can't get a girl 'cause I ain't got a car. I can't get a car 'cause I ain't got a job. I can't get a job cuz I ain't got a car. So I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car." As winking, lunkheaded rock and roll goes, this under-recognized Cooper classic is up there with the Ramones' "I Wanna Be Sedated."...

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