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Glass Eye

Alice Cooper - Brutal Planet (4.5)
(Glass Eye, 2000-06-00)

"After being throughly creeped out by my old man's Alice Cooper 8-tracks as a kid (you wonder how someone becomes a broke, dishevled, anti-social metal nerd in their adult life? Try a steady diet of Flush the Fashion, We sold our souls for Rock and Roll and assorted Zappa albums, all chunking in a infinite loop through the the dubious miracle of the in-dash 8 track deck), I was horrified to see the man sink to he embarrassing level of records like "Trash" and "Hey Stoopid" - namby-pamby kids stuff that even a real-life Wayne and Garth would have laughed at. "Poison"? "Hey Stoopid"? "Feed My Frankenstein"? Please....

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