Article Database


Alice Is Back And Is As Sweet As Ever
(Everyday, 1988-01-07)

If there is one thing Alice Cooper does not want his performing alter ego to be, it's a cliche. One might think it was time for the rock 'n' roll theatrics legend to take it easy, to tone down the glitzy, macabre stagecraft for which he has become famous. After all, rock 'n' roll is mostly for the young, and Cooper has been around since the early '70s. Well, forget it. The performer, who usually refers to himself in the third person, tried that several years ago. The has-been costume didn't fit....

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Alice Cooper, Master Of Shock-Rock, Plays At Kiel
(Everyday, 1988-01-18)

EVERY ROCK fan's favorite nightmare, Alice Cooper, brought his theatrical brand of rock to Kiel Auditorium on Saturday evening. The singer's program was a fast-paced visual orgy of the gruesome, fueled by the metal-powered onslaught of Cooper's crack five-piece backing group. When rock maestro Frank Zappa released Cooper's debut album "Pretties For You" in 1969 on his own Straight records, few would have imagined that the master of shock-rock would still be thrilling audiences nearly two decades later. However, with his "Raise Your Fist and Yell" tour in full swing, Cooper has captured an entirely new generation of rock ghoul watchers....

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Boycott Alice Cooper
(Everyday, 1988-11-15)

I strongly urge parents to keep their children away from the Alice Cooper concert tomorrow night. The band plans an evening of simulated violence and mayhem complete with beatings, dismemberment and gore, or in Cooper's words, "the biggest bloodbath ever." Much of this violence is directed at the most vulnerable members of our society, women and children, and at animals. To make it all seem as real as possible, the band uses special effects, lighting and "blood" to splash on the audience....

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